Dr Matthew Hawthorne

Education: MBBS (Hon), BDSC (Hon), BSc (Hon)
Fellowship: FRACDS (OMS)
Interests: Surfing, Fishing, Camping, Bushwalking and Travel – all enjoyed with his wife, Suzy and their two children.
It was while working for the Mt Isa Base Hospital Dental Service and flying to the remote communities in the Gulf of Carpentaria that Dr Hawthorne was inspired to pursue a career as an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. After these two years experience as a remote general dentist, Matthew commenced training at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital prior to completing his Medical degree at the University of Tasmania. Dr Hawthorne then returned to his hometown of Brisbane for his residency at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and in the subsequent year, he was offered the position of General Surgical PHO and Oral and Maxillofacial Registrar at the Ipswich Hospital.
After this extensive general medical experience, Dr Hawthorne began his Advanced Surgical Training in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery working at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Princess Alexandra, and the Mater Hospitals. On obtaining his specialist qualifications in 2006, Dr Hawthorne accepted an appointment through the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital as a Visiting Medical Officer in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery based at Logan Hospital. Through this position, Matthew was involved in training the next generation of OMF surgeons through regular training sessions and participation in the public after hours on call roster. Dr Hawthorne held a position on the Board of Studies for the RACDS and chaired the Accreditation Committee for the Australia and New Zealand OMS training programs.
In 2018 after many years working in the public hospital system as a Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon he decided to allocate more time to his busy private practice and medical advisory positions. He represented the specialty on the Medicare Benefits Schedule review committee and later the Implementation Committee from 2018 to 2019. Currently he serves on the board of the Professional Services Review Committee, Federal Department of Health. Intraface Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons was founded in 2009 by Dr Matthew Hawthorne. When not at work, Matt can be spotted at North Stradbroke Island enjoying his passion for surfing and fishing.